planning 2/finishing?

This devlog is more so about the final moments of my level creation. I had originally wanted to create a level that showed numerous bungie projects, but as I kept working on it, I found myself wanting to show off what inspired me to create stories. Which is why you can see whole rooms dedicated to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Berserk, Devil May Cry, and finally a room dedicated to Travis Touchdown. 

This project is missing, uhm what's the word the completeness most people will look for.  And you know what? That's okay. I'm happy that despite me not being a very visual person when it comes to projects that I was still able to make all the models have their proper textures. I know it doesn't look fantastic but hey, we all start somewhere. I still have a long way to go when it comes to improvement. 

The stories I wish to tell will hopefully feel like everything in this museum. Not visually of course, it will look better. I mean how the game/story feels, I hope to one day rise to the same heights as the greats that made everything in this museum. 

Get Museum

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